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E&DBA 321 League (WE 'A')
(On mobiles, drag left for more info)
Date | Time | Opponent | Type | Venue | Notes |
May | ●●●●●●●●●● | ----------- | |||
Tue 7th | 6.00pm | WE 'A' v Brentham 'A' | 321-D1 | Away | Lost 0-8 (47-65) |
June | ●●●●●●●●●● | ----------- | |||
Tue 11th | 6.00pm | WE 'A' v Springfield | 321-D1 | Away | Postponed |
July | ●●●●●●●●●● | ----------- | |||
Tue 2nd | 6.00pm | WE 'A' v Springfield | 321-D1 | Home | Lost 2-2 (40-50) |
Wed 3rd | 6.00pm | WE 'A' v Featherstone | 321-D1 | Away | Postponed |
Wed 24th | 6.00pm | WE 'A' v Featherstone | 321-D1 | Away | Lost 2-6 (43-55) |
Wed 31st | 6.00pm | WE 'A' v Springfield | 321-D1 | Away | Won 6-2 (69-45) |
August | ●●●●●●●●●● | ----------- | |||
Tue 13th | 6.00pm | WE 'A' v Featherstone | 321-D1 | Home | Won 6-2 (53-43) |
Tue 20th | 6.00pm | WE 'A' v Brentham 'A' | 321-D1 | Home | Won 8-0 (71-33) |
September | ●●●●●●●●●● | ----------- |
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